Where does the name 'TARZA & JANE' come from?
Back when I was an elementary school child, me (Fabian) and my parents lived next to an orphanage. Those kids there were quite tough and spent some afternoon after school forming gangs and engaging in battles on empty fields outside suburbia. They always kept me out of these battles because they probably felt that I had no aggressiveness inside myself, and that I would be very confused by it all.
Many summer nights the orphanage would organize movie nights and the kids would always also invite me over. We would all get those old wooden sports benches from the school gym and drag them to the orphanage courtyard. What a moment of excitement when the staff would crank on the old rattling film projector. And then one of those old black-and-white would start, Zorro films where the horses gallop twice as fast as in reality. And Tarzan films with Johnny Weissmuller as Tarzan. At that age they were our heroes, we dreamed what it would be like to be like them, to knock out a lion and save Jane!
Very traditional roles :)
Over the last years in the 2020's my life took a turn and i ran into a bunch of people that were not part of the statistical 'normal'. I learned that there is happiness beyond traditional roles of men and women.
And one day I took a long hot shower. I often have cool ideas out of nowhere under the shower, things then often connect in new ways. Something klicked. 'What if i just drop the 'N' out of TARZAN?' . Wow! This completely opens up the brand name makes it gender-fluid, leaves behind those traditional comic-like roles of strong edgy men and beautiful helpless women.
TARZA & JANE it was.